No matter whether it is a delivery delay, personnel shortage or a global financial crisis - we make your project resistant to all risks. Using the appropriate tools, we analyse possible threats to your project, weigh up their probability and design emergency plans for the worst cases. We show you how to react quickly and minimize the effects of unplanned events.
proadvise GmbH supports you in risk management. This enables you to react quickly in case of emergency and you are prepared for any exceptional situation.
However, it is important to weigh up the situation well in advance and ask yourself clear questions: How likely is a certain risk to occur? How cost-intensive is risk minimization? Is the impending damage perhaps cheaper than the preventive measures? Once these points have been dealt with, nothing stands in the way of successful risk management.
To some extent, risk management also deals with subjects of issue management - i.e. the treatment of risks that have occurred and not previously been identified. The project management bible PMBOK Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge) provides six main processes for this:
Risk Management Planning
Here the procedures are defined on which the following risk processes are based. These include identification methods, documentation strategies, valuation strategies and responsibilities.
Risk Management Planning Here the procedures are defined on which the following risk processes are based. These include identification methods, documentation strategies, valuation strategies and responsibilities.
Risk identification During risk identification, risks (potential threats to a project) are identified and documented using various methods.
Qualitative risk analysis The identified risks are qualified, including prioritization based on the probability of their occurrence and their potential impact on the success of the project.
Quantitative risk analysis The qualitative assessment is followed by a quantitative assessment (in monetary terms) of risk effects, countermeasures and/or necessary provisions.
Risk management planning Risk management planning identifies countermeasures to minimize the occurrence of risks or to contain the effects of risks.
Risk monitoring and tracking The status of the risks (usually documented in a risk list) and the status of the countermeasures are monitored continuously.
We offer you an active risk management for the early evasion of possible risks!
In order to model risks and uncertainties, we also use software solutions such as Oracle® Primavera Risk Analysis or Safran Risk. These are applied to your existing project and budget plans and simulate possible risks and effects without manual planning effort.